Our First Christmas with Jake & Lilly ....
At our family Christmas with Grammy & Pop in Cat Spring, Jake and Lilly were quite entertained. I figured they would be more interested in the wrapping paper than the gifts they received, but I was wrong. They were totally fascinated watching all the commotion. Their cousins, Kash and Kiley, were enough to entertain them for most of the morning.
Here is a picture of Grammy and Lilly...

And one of Great-Grandpa and Lilly...

Pop and Jake....

On Thursday, we loaded up the truck and headed to Dallas to celebrate Christmas with Noni and Poppy. We also saw Auntie Bri and Uncle Dave, Uncle Jay, and Great-Grandma and Pop Van Allen.
We were up bright and early to open up stockings....

Before lunch we opened more gifts. Jake and Lilly will look so stylish at the rodeo next year with their new boots from Auntie Bri and Uncle Dave. A little too big to wear this year, but they will both be walking around in no time!
Pictures of Lilly and Jake sporting their new boots....

Noni and Lilly....

Lilly with Noni and Great-Grandma and Pop Van Allen...