It is so hard to believe that Lilly and Jake are two months old now! Time sure does fly! I had intentions of posting pictures each week, but have quickly found that with two babies not much gets done... including updating the blog. So here are a few snapshots of our sweeties.
Lately Jake enjoys watching football with Daddy on Sundays. "GO Texans!"
Lilly loves to be read to in her bouncer seat. Her favorite stories are the Golden Books her Aunti Bri gave to her.
Great-Grandma Smith has been with us now for over a month... she goes home to NJ next week. We are all going to be sad to see her go! She has been an angel... I can't imagine how we would have survived the past month without her!
Life with twins can be so exhausting, but equally rewarding. Each smile and laugh makes up for all the sleepless nights. It really is double the work, but definitely double the blessing!