She gave this pig an earful, but none of us could understand what she was saying!

As I watched my two kids running through the maze of pumpkins with such a look of joy on their faces, I remembered a story that I rediscovered this week. I have had this story in my possession for a while now. A dear friend of mine shared it with me a few years ago, and I was so touched by its simplicity and its truth, I printed it and tucked it away in a safe place. This week it emerged from my desk drawer where apparently I had stuffed one too many “important papers.” As I was trying to reach for a pen in the very back of the drawer, this rumpled piece of paper slipped out and landed by my feet. As soon as I read the title I remembered the story and smiled. It seemed like such an appropriate story to include in this post about “my two little pumpkins.”
Pumpkins Grow On Trees
An old poem tells the story of a woman who was walking through a meadow one day. As she strolled along meditating on nature, she came upon a field of golden pumpkins. In the corner of the field stood a majestic oak tree.
The woman sat under the oak tree and began musing about the strange twists in nature. Tiny acorns hung on huge branches and huge pumpkins sat on tiny vines. She thought, “God blundered with creation! He should have put the small acorns on the tiny vines and the large pumpkins on the huge branches.”
Before long, the warmth of the autumn sunshine lulled the woman to sleep. She was soon awakened, however, by a tiny acorn bouncing off her nose. Chuckling to herself, she amended her previous thinking. Maybe God was right after all!
In every situation, God knows far more about the people and circumstances involved than we can ever know. He alone sees the beginning from the ending. He alone knows how to create a Master Plan that provides for the good of all those who serve Him. Today, trust in Him and His plan. It may seem backwards, but He always does what is best.

Scrolling through the numerous pictures that we captured on our camera while at the pumpkin patch, I realized that God has given me two very tangible reminders of His faithfulness.