I have this basket of books next to my side of the bed that is always overflowing with books. The books inside fall into one of three categories: Books I am in the middle of reading, books I have just finished reading and can’t wait to share with a friend, or books I intend to begin soon. My greatest challenge this week has been keeping Lilly out of Momma’s book basket. Yesterday she was flipping through John Grisham’s latest. I guess I can’t blame her curiosity. She and Jake have a similar basket of books in their playroom, except I had to recently eliminate anything that was not a board book since they love to destroy books as much as they love to sit and look at them! Although they cannot rip the pages of these types of books as easily, they have found that the thick layers of cardboard make great teething accessories. I give up!
Anyway, there is something about books. I love the smell so much that I have been known to open one up and stick my nose right in the middle and inhale. Love it! Not sure why, but I do. The only thing that tops it is the scent of freshly cut grass and gasoline. It reminds me of riding on the mower with my dad when I was little. I can’t get enough of it. Weird, I know. Anyhow, my relationship with books is something of an obsession. To me there is nothing better than a friend passing along a book to me with a note that says, “I thought of you while reading this,” or “I knew you’d love this one.” I realize that I could clear out an entire closet and roughly four bookshelves if I quit buying books and bought a Kindle. I’m not there yet. I don’t think an electronic copy would give me the same satisfaction that turning actual pages of a book does. My kids love books, too. Sometimes they love to munch on them, but they do enjoy turning the pages and looking at the pictures as well. As I sit here at the kitchen table typing this, Lilly is next to me with her new favorite, Owl Howl. (A much more age-appropriate choice than the John Grisham one she perused yesterday.)

This was one of the books we bought her and Jake for their first birthday. They got books for their first Christmas, too. And pretty much every time Momma gets a book, they get one too. So, I really, really love books!
This week a brand new box of books arrived at my doorstep. I know this is nerdy, but nothing excites me more than a box of books from Books-a-million, Barnes and Noble, or Amazon. I started shopping for books online when I discovered that Jake and Lilly absolutely despise going into the bookstore. I really have no idea why, but it’s the one place I go that generally results in simultaneous meltdowns. Maybe it’s because I love to read every word on the back of any given book before deciding to add it to my beloved book basket, or maybe the fact that our bookstore adventures never involve purchasing just one book, or it could be that half the time I walk into a bookstore, I do not have a particular title in mind. I want to be inspired to pick up my next book. I want to be lured in by the cover. I love to be told that I will not be able to put it down. Whatever the reason may be, I have found that the three of us are much happier people if Momma shops for books online. So I do…faithfully.
I do not have an online bookstore preference; I just find the cheapest price that I can combine with a coupon and free shipping. The process of determining which retailer I purchase from is an extensive one, I gotta tell you. My latest purchase, though, was a no brainer since I used gift card money I received from my in-laws for Christmas. This morning I am in the process of swapping out the books in my basket for the new ones I just acquired. As I was emptying out my basket this morning and moving all my old reads to my closet upstairs, I realized that my book basket has evolved over the past few years as much as I have.
My “book basket books” from a couple years ago consisted of titles such as these:
Twins 101 by Khanh-Van Le-Bucklin, M.D.
Books 1 & 2 from Ezzo and Bucknam’s BabyWise series
Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth, M.D.
What To Expect When You’re Expecting and What To Expect the First Year by Heidi Murkoff
Double Duty by Christina Tinglof
Twins by Agnew, Klein, and Ganon
Your Newborn From Head to Toe by Cara Natterson, M.D.
And my top three “twins” books that got me through the first year would have to be the following, mostly because they were not written by doctors or people with fancy degrees. They were written by moms who understand what it’s like to be “in the trenches,” so to speak:
Mothering Multiples by Karen Kerkhoff Gromada, which I recommend to anyone who wishes to experience the whole “tandem nursing” thing. It is possible!
Juggling Twins by Meghan Regan-Loomis, which I still refer to every now and then when I need some direction or a good laugh. Just the other night I read the chapters titled, “Dining at Animal House,” and “Herd Mentality,”… good stuff, I tell you!
Twinspiration by Cherl Lage, a treasure that is filled with invaluable information from “Two Buns in the Oven” to “Air Travel with Twinfants.”
I realize that the above list of books I read before my kids were born makes me seem only a little neurotic, but let me remind you that I spent the entire summer of 2010 in a horizontal position, determined to carry the two tiny beings inside me to term. (If you need a visual of this, check out this picture of me the day before Jake and Lilly arrived.) I didn’t get out much. I quit driving in June when I could not physically fit in my car. In order for me to sit in the driver’s seat without crushing my enormous belly, I had to move the seat back so far that my short little legs could no longer reach the pedals. I had similar trouble sitting at booths. After an embarrassing experience at Outback, I decided that was out too. So I read. And read. And read. And guess what?! Some of it prepared me, but most of it did not. I don’t think any amount of knowledge can ever prepare a person for no sleep and the drastic turn your life takes when two babies enter it… at the same time.
Back to my basket. Last year consisted of just a few since my leisure reading time had drastically decreased. My favorites were:
Safely Home by Randy Alcorn, my first book to read after having Jake and Lilly. It took me about four months to read, but it was such a good story.
Heaven is For Real by Todd Burpo, a must read for everyone!
Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult
Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen
Look Again and Think Twice, both by Lisa Scottoline
John Grisham's The Associate
Mommy Paints the Sky by Danny Oertili, a tender story of love and family
This year has just begun and already I’m adding a few more to my basket. I’m so stinking excited, I can’t stand it! Thank God for consistent naps, which we have finally whittled down to one long rest each day. Early bedtimes for Jake and Lilly and a full eight hours of sleep each night for me make all the difference in the world. It makes trading in a few hours of sleep worth a good read!
Here are the books I’m taking out of my basket this morning and passing along:
John Grisham’s The Confession, one I thoroughly enjoyed.
A wonderful devotional for moms called Out of the Spin Cycle by Jen Hatmaker
Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay, a heart breaking tale that forces you to feel the horrific tragedy of the Holocaust.
Divine by Karen Kingsbury, a story of redemption and hope
Interrupted by Jen Hatmaker, a book that changed my whole way of thinking. Do not read this book if you do not wanted to be messed with. You will not be the same after reading it. I am so glad that I did.
And these I can’t wait to begin:
Halfway to Forever by Karen Kingsbury
Looking For Alaska by John Green, the first of his books that someone recommended I start with.
Mommy! I Have To Go Potty by Jan Faull, M.D., just because it’s on the horizon!
Ezzo and Bucknam’s ToddlerWise
Upcycling by Danny Seo, an awesome DIY book that gives you step by step instructions on how to “create beautiful things with the stuff you already have.”
Kisses From Katie by Katie Davis, a young mom of only twenty-two who lives in Uganda with her thirteen adopted girls. This one’s going to be good, I can feel it!
Beth Moore’s Mercy Triumphs: A Study of the Book of James, the bible study our Women’s Ministry is offering this semester.
7, An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess by Jen Hatmaker, which I just started two nights ago and am completely hooked.
These will keep me occupied until the next one arrives... Jodi Picoult's newest novel, Lone Wolf, which I pre-ordered and can't wait until it ships on February 28.
I leave you with a few “bookworm” quotes, just because I can’t resist. These are from one of my favorite websites: www.quotegarden.com. I use this site every time I sit down to work on my kids’ scrapbooks.
A good book on your shelf is a friend that turns its back on you and remains a friend. ~Author Unknown
The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it. ~James Bryce
If there's a book you really want to read but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it. ~Toni Morrison
Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. ~Charles W. Eliot
I know every book of mine by its smell, and I have but to put my nose between the pages to be reminded of all sorts of things. ~George Robert Gissing (I can completely relate! This guy sounds like he’d be my friend!)
The smallest bookstore still contains more ideas of worth than have been presented in the entire history of television. ~Andrew Ross
Books had instant replay long before televised sports. ~Bern Williams (This one’s for my husband!)
Books are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so beautifully furnishes a house. ~Henry Ward Beecher (So true!)