Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Jake and Lilly heard a rumor that if you have a red nose you get in good
with the big guy in the North Pole.

We have orange noses... does that count?
Can you tell we love sweet potatoes and carrots?!?!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Born To Be Wild

This weekend our good friends, Charla and Kent, brought their motorcycles to the house for a photo shoot with Jake and Lilly. Charla (G3 to Jake and Lilly) brought them Harley onesies and bandanas to complete the "biker" look.

Here is Jake looking very "bad" on Kent's bike.

Jake is in his element with all the shiny gears, mirrors, and gauges.

Lilly is comfortable on G3's bike, too. She is ready to ride!

Lilly & G3

Kent & Jake

Two at a time!

Lilly had to leave the photo shoot early to take a nap.
All that riding wore her out!!!
She is content to nap right on her Poppy's shoulder.

So Thankful....

At Thanksgiving this year, we give thanks for all the blessings in our lives. Jake & Lilly have made our lives so exciting. They have just discovered how to roll over and enjoy giggling at each other. It took about four months, but they are very aware of each other now!

We have to separate them at dinner because they would rather look at each other than eat. We also recently moved Jake out of the nursery and gave him his own room. We really hoped they would be able to share a room until they were much older, but they were constantly waking each other and keeping each other up at night. Now everybody in the house is sleeping much better!! This is a snapshot of them playing together on the floor in Lilly's new room.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Halloween

Jake was a dinosaur....

and Lilly was a Lady Bug....

Monday, November 1, 2010

Our Two Little Pumpkins

Can you tell who's who?!
Our two little pumpkins spent their first Halloween
in Dallas at Noni and Poppy's house.

(Jake is on the left; Lilly is on the right)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Our Trip To The Pumpkin Patch

We took our first family picture at the Pumpkin Patch in Old Katy. Jake and Lilly each got their very own mini pumpkin. Here is Lilly showing them off! It's hard to believe that next year they'll be running around picking out their own pumpkins!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Loving the Cooler Weather

Loving the Cooler Weather

Jake & Lilly have bundled up every morning this week for our two and a half mile walk. They love the way the fresh air feels on their faces, and Mommy loves that fact that they both have taken extra long naps in the stroller! We pray that the cool weather and sunshine will stay!