By 8:30 a.m., in between five thousand time-outs and just as many tantrums, Jake discovered how to unlock and open the front door. Then, as if that inspired him to master more skills, he taught himself how to take his shirt off. Then he taught Lilly how to take her shirt off. So, while both of them were sitting side by side in time-out for yet another fist fight that morning, I overheard an echo of “uh-ohs,” which any mom knows is never a good thing. Never, ever, ever.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Balloons in the Bathtub
By 8:30 a.m., in between five thousand time-outs and just as many tantrums, Jake discovered how to unlock and open the front door. Then, as if that inspired him to master more skills, he taught himself how to take his shirt off. Then he taught Lilly how to take her shirt off. So, while both of them were sitting side by side in time-out for yet another fist fight that morning, I overheard an echo of “uh-ohs,” which any mom knows is never a good thing. Never, ever, ever.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
PART 4: A Safe Journey
Sometimes the journey we face is hard. Sometimes the journey is lonely. Sometimes we get tired along the way. But Jesus is waiting on the side of the road, ready to walk with us and hold our hand.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
PART 3: A New Command
A few years ago, I had a conversation with my sweet friend, Charla, who loves Jesus dearly. We were talking about the best way to help the homeless in our community. We shared how skeptical we both were about just giving money to anyone on the street corner. She came up with this idea to keep non-perishable food items and other necessities in bags in her car. Then when she saw a need, she’d be prepared. Back then it was just a good idea, something I intended to do.
Here are some items I included in each bag:
I used to pass out judgment. “He could get a job.” “She’s probably an addict.” And you know what? I am learning that God is the Ultimate Judge. God judges based on truth. I don’t get to be the judge of everybody else, because I don’t know the whole story. He knows the whole story because He’s writing the story. He knows that the man I pass judgment on just lost his job and can’t pay his bills. He knows that the woman I notice hitchhiking has left everything to escape an abusive relationship, choosing to live on the streets rather than living in bondage another day.
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13:35
Saturday, April 28, 2012
PART 2: A Changed Heart
I realize that a blanket and a hot cup of coffee on a cold morning or water and bug spray in the heat of a Texas summer will not change the circumstances of someone who lives on the streets. I will be honest... I've struggled with whether or not this is even worth it. Most of the people I meet are looking for a ride out of town, which I cannot offer. But every time I go to God with this doubt, He says the same thing: "It's not your job to change their circumstances; it's mine." And though a "Hello" and a smile seem like such small things, a single act of LOVE, no matter how small, can bring hope to someone who desperately needs it. It also brings dignity and worth. That is what I've been called to do. God's got the rest.
He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed. 1 Peter 2:24 (NLT)
Thursday, April 26, 2012
PART 1: A Second Chance
But Jonah got up and went the other direction to Tarshish, running away from God. Jonah 1:3 (MSG)
Lately God has put a burden on my heart. He has shown me in more than one way His commandment to “love the least of these.” As I was driving to the grocery store one morning in early November last year, I asked God to show me who I could bless that day. When we pray with the Jake and Lilly at night, Cody is always saying, “Help us to be a blessing to others.” So that was my prayer that morning. What I discovered is that God took my prayer seriously.
As I reached the grocery store, I parked and began the lengthy process of loading my kids into the ridiculously-large-and-incredibly-hard-to-steer-eighteen-wheeler of a grocery cart. Then I saw them… parked next to me. A young mother and her two boys. Barefoot on a chilly morning.
My heart started pounding in my chest. Surely God wanted me to love on them. But, not sure of what to do or say, I turned and pushed my cart into the store and began my shopping. This is part of the conversation I had with God as I later encountered them one aisle over, going through the bins of expired, marked-down food:
“Do you want me to go up and offer to buy her groceries, God? I guess I could do that, but they don’t even have a cart. Do you want me to give her some money, God? I don’t have any cash. I could get some when I check out. Surely this is the person you want me to help today, but I can’t just go up to her and start a conversation. And I have to think about my kids. We are almost done. I have about ten more items left. The kids are doing great, but we haven’t even gotten to the cracker aisle yet. You know they lose it every time on the cracker aisle. I tell you what, God. I will just quickly grab the rest of the items on my list and maybe she will be up near the register when I am ready to pay. I’ll offer to pay for her groceries or get some cash to give her. She’s parked right next to me, so that will work just fine.”
So instead of walking straight towards her and her boys and doing what I know God was asking of me, I turned my cart the other way and took care of my needs. Instead of relying on Him to help me say whatever it was He wanted me to say, I instead focused on what I did not have: a cart full of groceries I could offer to pay for, cash in my wallet to give them, the faintest clue as to what to say to a mother who obviously lives a very different life than me. As I grabbed the last item on my list and walked towards the checkout, I caught a glimpse of her car backing out in the parking lot. It hit me then that I had lost my chance to bless this woman. I was so ashamed that I cried the whole way home.
I didn’t know what to say and I was afraid she’d reject my help, so I played it safe and avoided an obvious opportunity to bless a woman God placed in my path for a reason. The worst part about it was that I was so focused on how I wanted to help her… with my credit card or my cash… that I failed to notice her true need: shoes. She needed shoes, and I had shoes to give. Then I would have become the barefoot mother walking through the store with my kids.
I was humbled that day and begged God to give me another chance. For almost a month, I prayed that He would let me have another shot at this. And because He is a God of compassion and grace, He did. Three and a half weeks after my encounter with the barefoot mother, God led me to Sarah.
I would love to say that I acted immediately after my painful lesson the previous month. But, no, I did not. I saw her on my way to run a couple of quick errands. I would have had to turn my car the other way to cross paths with her. I actually told God, “If she’s still there when I get back from running these errands, then I’ll stop.” I know. I’m sure He was saying, “Really? We’re back to this?” I did not want to turn around. It was inconvenient. But I did. I figured if God put her in my path, no matter how far off the path it was, it was for a reason. So I stopped.
She was sitting by the side of the highway in front of the LOVE’S Truck Stop. In the past, fear had convinced me to avoid this place like the plague. But, confident that this was where God wanted me and trusting that He was with me, I got out. She was waiting for a ride, and appeared to be years older than she probably was. She was smoking a cigarette when I walked up to her and said hello. I apologized that I couldn’t offer her a ride, but asked if I could give her a blanket. Through tears, I managed to ask her name. It was awkward. I am sure she was wondering who this crazy girl was and why on earth she couldn’t seem to stop crying. Or maybe she got exactly what she needed through my simple obedience. I am learning that God is the only one who knows what each of us need. Who am I to question Him? He can use anyone or anything to deliver His love to His people. Even a humbled girl who has been given a second chance.
God spoke to Jonah a second time. This time Jonah started off straight for Nineveh, obeying God's orders to the letter. Jonah 3:1,3 (MSG)
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
From Small To Big
Jake and Lilly love to help around the house. One of their favorite morning routines is helping empty the dishwasher. They are responsible for all the plastic dishes, sippy cups, tupperware, lids, etc. This morning I giggled when I looked up and saw this very long line of dishes that had been placed on the very edge of the counter.
My kids take this job very seriously and will stop whatever they are doing when they hear the dishwasher door open. They drop their toys, abandon their games, and come running to help.
As I watched them working together to get every last dish stacked up on the counter, I asked myself, "Do I do that? Do I abandon everything I am doing and cheerfully run towards God when He calls me to do something so simple?"
Right now, Jake and Lilly are trusted with plastic dishes that if dropped won’t break, but one day, I will trust them to help with dishes that are more fragile. If I ask my kids to help with the little things, before giving them greater responsibility, why wouldn’t God do the same thing with me since I am His child?
I wonder how many times I’ve missed out, because I thought what God was asking me to do was too little or too insignificant. I wonder how often I've dismissed His voice, just because I didn’t understand His purpose. Over and over again, I have forgotten that it’s in the little things that I can show my faithfulness to Him. That once I am trusted with small things, He will trust me with bigger things.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Ducks and Sheep
Lately, Henrietta has been waiting on our front doorstep, since Jake and Lilly like to go out and feed her each morning before breakfast. We don’t mind that she and her male companions hang around since they do such a good job of gobbling up all of the June bugs that congregate on our front porch. What we do mind is the sticky duck poop they leave on the sidewalk! Just this morning, I hollered at Henrietta through the window, “Please, please, please, whatever you do, don’t poop on my doormat!”
Make Way For Ducklings is a popular book at our house since ducks are clearly Jake and Lilly’s favorite of all animals. The mother in me, is glad I’m not a duck. In all seriousness, I am. Without any help from the Daddy duck, she cares for these 8-12 ducklings all by herself, and she alone is responsible for leading them to water for their first swimming lesson within days of hatching. I’ve often wondered, while reading my kids this sweet story about Mr. and Mrs. Mallard, how terrified Mrs. Mallard must have been as she attempted to lead her ducklings across the busy highway. I would be panicked that one of my ducklings would get out of line. I would be fearful that someone would snatch the duckling at the end without me knowing. It would take so much courage to be the one in front, trusting that all of them will just follow.
Last week, I read this verse that has nothing at all to do with ducks, but everything to do with being a Momma.
He will feed his flock like a shepherd.
He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart.
He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young. Isaiah 40:11 (NLT)
Sheep are mentioned over 500 times in the Bible, while ducks are not nearly as popular. Sheep were a part of the agricultural life when the Bible was penned, and they have been known to symbolize God’s people. Also, we cannot overlook that Jesus is the sacrificial Lamb of God, who willingly gave his life as a sacrifice for our sins. It makes sense that God would compare himself to a shepherd caring for his flock. Shepherding was a way of life for so many during that time. King David was perhaps the best known shepherd in the Bible. And shepherds were the first to see the newborn Baby Jesus.
I love the fact that lambs are born helpless. Unlike ducks, that are able to swim very soon after birth, lambs depend on their mothers, who in turn rely on their shepherd to make sure they get what they need, including food, water, and rest, especially while caring for their young. Maybe more than anything else, the word “gentle” appeals so much to me. “He gently leads the mother sheep.” This word communicates kindness, peace, and humility. I like the way this version reads:
He holds [the lambs] close, while their mothers walk beside him. (ERV)
If I had to choose, I would want to be a sheep instead of a duck. A Momma duck, like Mrs. Mallard and our very own Henrietta, is the only one leading her children. A Momma sheep, though, can rely on her shepherd to “gently” lead her when she needs to go. She knows his voice, and trusts him fully. He carries the lambs, for they are His, and she walks beside him. It is such a beautiful picture of what mothering is all about. I pray that I will have to courage to trust Him and follow His lead as He holds my children close to his heart. I am so glad He walks besides me along this journey called “Motherhood.”
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27 (NIV)