Thursday, August 2, 2012

Creepy Crawlies

In the past two weeks, I have discovered that my dare-devil-daughter is afraid of something.  It actually relieves me that I can no longer call Lilly “fearless.”  A little fear is a good thing, right?  Caution is maybe a better word.  I would never wish fear on my child, but a little caution on her part would do wonders to clear up some fears on my end!

Last week was one of those in-and-out-of-the-house kind of weeks.  The kind that involves lots of shouting, "Close that door!" and yelling, "Come in or stay out!"  The kind of week where we kiss bundles of cash away as the air-conditioning we pay good money for gets sucked out into the hot, sticky air that is Texas Summer. It was the kind of week that demanded I get out my beloved fly swatter.  I am usually a pretty good aim and a fly’s worst nightmare, but there was this fly in our kitchen for four days straight that would not die!  I must have hit it at least five times, but it was a determined little bug!

This fly-that-would-not-die never failed to come around buzzing during lunch time, especially interested in the fruit heaped onto Lilly’s plate.  (I really don’t want to get into the fact that Jake still will not eat fruit. Another post for another day!)  I turned around one day to wash some dishes at the kitchen sink and all of a sudden, I heard blood-curdling screams coming from my teeny, tiny daughter.  I cannot tell you the panic that shot through my spine as I dropped the plate I was scrubbing and ran over to her in her highchair.  I knew she was safe where she was sitting and that none of the food I had given her could have burnt her tongue, so I was terrified to find out what caused her piercing shrills. 

When I saw that pesky little fly perched on the edge of her tray, I nearly lost it!  She was shrinking back in her chair, both hands covering eyes, as if she couldn’t bear to look at the monstrous thing!  Jake sat calmly next to her and yelled in an authoritative tone, “Shoo! Shoo!”  Then he got his little finger going back and forth, telling that fly, “No-No! No-No!”  I was in tears! 

This would happen every day at lunchtime for the next few days.  Each time the fly showed up, Lilly would sit there, hiding and screaming at the top of her tiny lungs!  I shared this story with my mother-in-law over breakfast last Saturday.  We were both laughing hysterically at our brave little Lilly getting all worked up over a fly.  Of all things, a fly!

This week that story is still fresh on my mind.  Maybe it's because I've had my own shrieking moments, too.  When my husband was urgently summoned to retrieve a gecko from behind the bathroom trashcan, I jumped up onto the ledge of the bathtub, just in case he was looking for a foot to crawl over.  Another one darted across the living room and disappeared into the TV cabinet, which I swore I would never open again.  As I sit here typing this post, I am very conscious that there is yet another gecko somewhere underneath the desk where I am sitting.  Which is why I put on my tennis shoes at 11:00 p.m!  I know that geckos are harmless, but they scare me just as much as flies scare my daughter.  Apparently.

But there are other "creepy crawlies" that make me shrink back, cover my eyes and make me feel completely defeated.   Pesky things like insecurity, disappointment, and doubt.  These are the things that creep their way into my heart and cause all kinds of trouble.  Doubt is the “creepy crawly” that gives me the most grief day to day.  Some days, it takes me a while to figure out that it is the sole culprit for my less than cheerful mood.  When I step back and realize what I’m dealing with, the source of all the questioning and second guessing going on in my mind leads me to the same place almost every time: Doubt.

When I open my Bible, it is such a relief to find out that I am not the only one who fights a daily battle against doubt.  Here are just a few:

Jesus tells Peter to walk on the water:  But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.” Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.” (Matthew 14:30-32 ESV)

A storm comes up on the lake while Jesus is sleeping:  And they went and woke him, saying, “Save us, Lord; we are perishing.”  And he said to them, "Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?" Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. (Matthew 8:25-26 ESV)

The disciples miss the warning and confuse the message: And they began discussing it among themselves, saying, “We brought no bread.” But Jesus, aware of this, said, "O you of little faith, why are you discussing among yourselves the fact that you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive? Do you not remember the five loaves for the five thousand, and how many baskets you gathered? How is it that you fail to understand that I did not speak about bread? Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” (Matthew 16:7-9, 11 ESV)

Jesus, risen from the dead, appears to the disciples: And he said to them, "Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me, and see. (Luke 24:38-39 ESV)

Doubt comes disguised as a lot of different things: questions I entertain even though I know the answers, thoughts that get muddled with reasoning, distractions that take my eyes off Jesus.  In each one of these stories, Jesus points out the disciples’ lack of faith, then immediately turns their attention back on Him. 

The wind ceased, and those in the boat worshiped Jesus.

Jesus rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.

Jesus says, “Do you not remember what I did?”

Jesus shows them his hands and feet saying, “Touch me, and see.”

Doubt is not unbelief; it’s a wavering in my faith, a forgetting who is in control.  After scouring my Bible for verses describing a steady and confident faith, this is what I discovered:  Faith alone comes from hearing through the Word of God (see Romans 10:17).   God filled every page of scripture with truths that my faith is built upon.  Those very words are also what build up my faith when I feel it start to falter. 

James does a pretty good job describing exactly how I feel on those days I let doubt creep in.  He says that “he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” (James 1:6)  When I let the questions start covering up what I know to be true, it is exactly like being tossed around on the open sea.  Doubt, though it seems like such a harmless little thing, can turn into a storm that is out of control in a hurry.  But that’s when I need my Jesus to show up and calm the storm I’ve created and remind me that I am His.  If I am determined to keep doubt from creeping its way into my mind, I have to recognize it when it comes around, and then bury my head in scripture, where the roots of my faith lie.
1 Corinthians 2:5 tells me that my faith should “not rest in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.”  There are times when I want to rush to my phone, pick it up and call for help, for advice, for an answer to a question rolling around in my head.  God calls us to encourage each other in our faith, but I know that God wants me to run to Him first.  He is where my faith rests.  The King James Version uses the word “stand” instead of rest.  I love the idea of standing and resting simultaneously.  When I rest in His power, He gives me the strength I need to stand in confidence, determined and unafraid.

Though I did not catch the priceless face Lilly made the first time that fly stared her down, the next time we spotted that fly, I was ready with camera in hand.

God does not want me to walk around with a face like this when the “creepy crawlies” of life invade my space.  He doesn't want me to shrink back, covering my face in defeat.  Instead, He wants me to start each day with confidence in His power, trusting that He is always in control, focusing on what He says about me in His word.  He wants me to clothe myself with dignity and strength (see Proverbs 31:25), and reveal a face that beams with beauty, certainty, and assurance. Just like this….

Friday, July 27, 2012


Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12

I was reminded today that we are in the midst of a war.  The enemy, "who comes to steal, kill, and destroy," (John 10:10) is "filled with fury because he knows that his time is short." (Revelation 12:12).

A dear friend shared with me a few months ago that she found such peace each morning in reading this passage of scripture:

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes... Put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.  In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Ephesians 6:11, 13-17

We arm ourselves with truth, righteousness, peace, faith, the word of God and our salvation in Jesus so that we can take a stand against the devil’s schemes, so that when the day of evil comes, we may stand our ground, and after we have done everything, we are called to stand… stand firm.

There is no question that we live in a dark world… a world where planes fly into buildings, mothers abandon babies, and innocent lives are taken for no reason at all.  But what lies beneath all of the evil acts we hear about on the evening news is the slow and gradual assault on our families.  The attack that happens while our eyes are wide open; the war that has been going on since the beginning of time.

I love how God’s word equips us with what we need in order to go to battle.  I can't help thinking, though, that so many of us, myself included, are suited up, covered in armor head to toe, yet we are not going to battle.  We are not standing.  We are not taking our stand, or standing our ground, fighting against what the enemy wants.  Nehemiah 4:14 says, “Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.”  Zephaniah 3:9 calls us to serve "shoulder to shoulder" with one another. When horrible, despicable acts of evil are committed, it is easy to question God.  It is easy to let fear and doubt creep their way into our hearts, instead of concentrating on who God is.   But Isaiah 28:16 refers to Jesus as “a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation,” and promises that “the one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic.” 

We need to constantly remind ourselves of who God is.  When we remember that He is with us, the God who "does no wrong," who "cannot fail," who each new day "dispenses his justice," (Zephaniah 3:3), our "Mighty Warrior who saves", (Zephaniah 3:17) we can stand up together and fight with confidence in knowing that the battle is already won.  1 Peter 3:15 instructs us, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”  Being ready and prepared begins with having the right mindset, with focusing on the truth.  In my Bible study this week, a group of about 40 women sat in a room and quietly spoke out one by one, testifying who God is.  After only a few minutes, this is the picture we saw at the front of the room- a dry erase board overflowing with words of comfort, restoration, peace, and refuge:

We could have sat there all day long, because this list does not even begin to describe who God is, how big, how mighty, how loving or how in control He is every second of every minute of every day. God does not cause evil; it's not who He is.  When things happen and there is no way to wrap our minds around the how and the why, we can trust that He will use it for His eternal purpose.

For God, who said, "Let there be light in the darkness," has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.  2 Corinthians 4:6 (NLT)

Saturday, July 21, 2012


For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And the ransom he paid was not mere gold or silver. 1 Peter 1:18 (NLT)

Yesterday was a hard day.  Not because I faced major challenges or impossible circumstances.  It was hard just because. 

It’s hard being a mom.  It’s hard taking care of everybody all the time.  It’s hard being patient, when I feel as if every ounce of the patience I wake with gets sucked up before 8:00 am.  I love my kids so very much, but sometimes I have nothing left to give at the end of the day.  I know, I know.  It’s the age.  I know, I know.  It will get easier.  I know. 

But today I need to be able to say, “This is hard!”

When Cody walked in through the door after work, I know my eyes said it all.  I gave him a quick kiss and said, “I’ve got to catch my breath, so I’m leaving.”  I told him I was going to the bank, and my heart went out to him when he asked me in all honesty, “But you are coming back, right?”  I knew what that meant…. Are you leaving me to do dinner, baths, and bedtime all by myself?  I assured him that I just needed some quiet which I thought I could find inside the safety of the truck, with nothing but silence and lots and lots of deep breaths.

I decided to run by the bank before closing time, swing by the bookstore, then head home.  What I did not expect was all the traffic and the incredibly long line at the bank when I am used to driving right up.  Then there was my conversation with the girl at the checkout counter at the bookstore.

I love browsing through the bookstore, carefully making my selection, listening to the calming music playing in the background, but once I’ve committed to my purchase, I am ready to go.  I just wanted to pay for my book and drive home.  I know this girl was just doing her job, and she had no idea how exhausted I was from doing my job all day long.  I know, I know.  I know. 

When asked if I wanted to purchase a discount card, I politely said, “No, thanks.”  When asked again, in a second, more persuading attempt, I once more declined.  When asked for a reason, I simply shared that I had already purchased a card in the past and discovered I did not use it enough to cover the cost.  Then I was asked if I would like to pre-order a DVD set in order to save $10.  When I again declined, a second attempt was made.  Again, I said, “No, thank you.”  

After swiping my card, I was presented with an offer of my choice of a free magazine subscription.  At this point, I think I said something like, “I’m good.  Thanks.”  Just as we were wrapping up the transaction, and I was handed my receipt (which I honestly thought I’d never have my hands on), I was asked, very politely, to go online and fill out a survey so that I could earn more savings. Even if I had a spare moment to fill out a survey online, I promise you I would have to be honest about the migraine I left with after the twenty questions I was asked before swiping my credit card!  I managed to hold it together without letting my frustration explode, but I assure you this:  I walked out of that store without a scrap of patience left!  The very place that I was running to in an effort to regain sanity ended up sucking me completely dry.  As I walked back to the truck and thought about all the traffic I’d sit in on my way back home, I just wanted to cry! 

I called my mom on the way home, in an attempt to turn around my mood.  We visited for a bit, then all of a sudden, she started screaming.  I had no idea what was happening and neither did she, so I pulled the truck to the side of the road.  My heart was pounding as I considered what was taking place all those miles away.  An hour later, after several phone calls from me to my dad, then back to my mom, and one to the fire department, we learned that my parents’ house was struck by lightning.  My mom, standing twenty feet from where it hit, was halfway out the door, trying to get the dog to go outside, when the house started shaking and sparks started flying.  Relief ran over me when I was told that everybody was fine, there was no fire, and only major appliances were lost.  But when I got home, I was shaking.  I was frazzled.  I felt worse than when I left. 

* * * * *

This morning I was reminded of something so fresh.  While watching Jake and Lilly play at the kitchen table, God whispered into my soul, reminding me of the place I can run to when I’m empty. His arms.

One of Jake’s favorite toys is an empty apple juice bottle.  This morning he and Lilly sat next to each other at the table, sharing teacups full of pretend juice.  Lilly would say, “More, please,” holding out her cup, and Jake, over and over again, would fill it up.  She’d say, “Thank you,” in a sing-song way, take a big sip, and follow with a dramatic, “Mmmmmmmmm!”  This continued for the better part of half an hour.  I couldn’t get over how sweet they were being to each other, so I grabbed the camera, if for nothing else, to at least have some documentation of sibling love.  The background music of my life these days is filled with a chorus of ‘no-no’ and ‘mine,’ so the sound of laughter and kisses being exchanged is certainly a melody I tune in to.  

Somewhere in the middle of snapping these photos, I realized that I am that person, holding out my cup asking for more.  But so often, when I lift that cup to my mouth and drink, it’s empty.  I keep going back, over and over, asking for it again and again, but I am never satisfied.  I could sit there at that kitchen table all day saying, “More, please. More, please.”  And it would never be enough.  I may think I’m being filled, but at the end of the day, I’d still be empty.

Jesus replied, "If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water." John 4:10 (NLT)

Jesus is Living Water.  He can satisfy the thirst in me that will always remain as long as I try to quench it with something other than Him.  Last week, my husband prayed a prayer over me that reminded me of what it means to be filled. He asked God to take away from my heart fear, doubt, and uncertainty, but before ending that prayer, he asked that those empty places be filled with love, confidence, and strength.  Not only is God is able to take away all that is dragging me to the floor and causing me to grow weary, but, He also has what I want to be filed with instead: love, kindness, peace, and patience.  Oh, yes… patience! That is something I need a daily dose of at this stage of my life! 

I love the fact that in John chapter 7, Jesus speaks of rivers of living water that flow from the hearts of all who believe. (See John 7:38 NLT)  Living water, found in relationship with Him, is what our souls are really longing for, and the only thing that can truly satisfy.  If you picture a river, though, it is moving and flowing.  So what is poured into our hearts must make its way out in our words, actions, and relationships.  When there is nothing but emptiness inside, it is impossible for anything to flow out of that place.  Emptiness alone is useless.  But when we allow God to empty us of all that gets in the way, He is faithful to fill us with a life of abundance, with plenty of overflow that can’t help but pour out of our hearts. 

Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life. Revelation 22:17 (NIV)

Friday, July 13, 2012

A Day To Remember

 Yes, the Lord has done amazing things for us!  Psalm 126:3 (NLT)

We had Jake and Lilly's birthday party at the zoo this year.  Since both are into animals these days and I tend to feel like a zookeeper most days, it's a well-loved place for all of us.  The night before the big day, my entire family made the four hour trek to our house, some arriving before dinner and the last weary traveler joining us just before eleven o’clock.  The girls perfected the monkey, tiger, lion, and zebra cupcakes and we talked about how none of us can believe that Jake and Lilly are already turning two. 

We joked and laughed and teased…. That’s what families do.  Someone brought up last year’s party.  The party that we decided (foolishly) to have at 2:30 in the afternoon…. outside…. in July…. in Texas!  The same party to which I arrived fifteen minutes late with the cakes, balloons, decorations, etc.  I had no idea the freeway was going to be shut down, so when I left two hours before the party, there should have been plenty of time to pick up balloons then arrive at the party location early to set up.  But, it did not go that way.  Everything did not go as planned.  In fact, nothing went as planned.  As I sat in traffic hitting my steering wheel, thinking, “How could this happen?!” just like that, in an instant, I lost sight of it. 

The significance of my kids’ first birthday vanished from my mind, and I was instead too consumed with the decorations I spent months creating, the two cakes that I had embellished just so, and the balloons that were just the right color… all 35 of them.  Nothing about this party had been done without careful planning and decisiveness.  All except that freeway shutting down and the awful heat that melted the frosting right off of Jake’s cake.  I was frazzled and stressed and mad and frustrated, and I missed it.  I missed it.

So when the party planning began for Jake and Lilly’s second birthday, I made a vow not to ever again get so caught up in things out of my control that I forget what their birthday represents.  Yes, we celebrate another year with lots of milestones, progress, and many, many phases, both good and bad.  But the day those two entered this world was a day that forever changed me.  They are my living, breathing reminders that God is good.  When I look at their faces, I see evidence that God keeps His promises.  No, He never promised me children.  But He did promise me that He would always be enough for me.  That I would find joy in Him.  He knew I wanted children, and He wanted to give them to me, but only until I saw that nothing, not even these two who I love with all of my heart, could ever satisfy my soul like He can.  I do not ever want to look into their eyes and forget what He did for me. 

The party was a huge hit for both kids, which is a miracle in and of itself.  Animals are one of the few things they actually love with equal intensity.  I give all the credit to Cody who chose this party location very wisely!  With two toddlers, a party without a single temper tantrum is a home run! And popping cupcakes in the fridge overnight was just what these little critters needed to survive the summer heat!

We even had two animal friends attend the party.   Here is Millie, the three banded armadillo.
All of the kids got to touch Millie’s back with two fingers.  Jake and Lilly, who have been devotedly practicing holding those two fingers to show their age, knew exactly how to make their fingers fold in the perfect position.  At one point, Lilly took her left hand and held down the rest of her fingers on her right hand, so that only those two fingers touched Millie, just as the friendly zookeeper had instructed.

Charles, the lizard, also attended the party, and the kids were equally mesmerized by him. 

Birthdays are times when families gather.  In fact, my mom and my mother-in-law were discussing after the party that we had not all been together since Jake and Lilly's party one year ago.  As they exchanged hugs, they made plans to get together before the next birthday party.  I smiled to myself thinking how blessed we are to have such loving families who have been there for us through it all.  I have never been more convinced in the power of a mother's prayer than I am now that I am a mother.

When the party was over, we went home for naps, then hooked up some new water toys and ran through the backyard in swimsuits!  It was such a happy day!  Definitely a birthday to remember!

Acknowledging that God answers prayers is not just something that I do out of gratitude.  It’s so vital that I never lose sight of what God has done, because inevitably there will come a time in my life where I will start to feel overwhelmed, hopeless, and confused.  I’ll be standing in front of some huge mountain thinking there is no way around it.  It’s during those times, in tears, that I want to be able to look over my shoulder at how far we’ve come and know that if He was there with me back then, He is here with me now.  And if it seems as if there is no way, My God will make a way.  And when He does, He will amaze me.

But then I recall all you have done, O Lord; I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago.  They are constantly in my thoughts.  I cannot stop thinking about your mighty works. Psalm 77:11-12 (NLT)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Happy Birthday, Jake & Lilly!

Cody and I keep saying to each other over and over how quickly two years can zoom by.  But saying it doesn't make it any easier to comprehend.  When I think about all of the challenges mixed in with all of the blessings, the milestones and the progress each year has proved, and the many, many smiles that have occurred in the blink of an eye, I can't help but think that it will only go by faster and faster!  How can the two tiny bundles we nervously took home from the hospital really be turning two?  How does that happen?  I guess it takes place day by day, moment by moment, one slobbery kiss at a time! 

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Celebrating Big

Dear Jake,
Your Daddy said to me just the other night, “He’s becoming a little person, you know.”  I do.  I know that with each year that passes I’ll know more and more about what this whole process of becoming a little person with a unique personality entails.  I know quite a bit about you now, but there is so much more I can’t wait to figure out!  Two years ago you were still squished in Momma’s tummy, sick of Lilly’s feet in your face, I’m sure!  That was back when I didn’t think it was possible to fall in love with two different people at the same time.  I found out real quick that I was wrong! 

I love who you are, who you are becoming, and who you will become as you grow from a “little person” into a “big person.”  At this age, I already recognize the pride you take in doing your own thing.  When your sister and all of your cousins ran through the park to hunt for Easter eggs, you found absolutely nothing wrong with refusing to get in the wet grass.  Who would want wet grass stuck to their feet?  When Daddy told you and Lilly that you had to wear floaties on your arms before getting in the swimming pool, you were 100% okay sitting on the edge and kicking your feet if it meant getting out of wearing those silly things!  You don’t have any qualms about eating the exact same dinner every single night, even if the rest of the family is enjoying a new dish Momma worked extra hard to prepare.  I could go on and on.

Perhaps the most trying task is getting you to remain unruffled and still for a five minute haircut.  You sat like a little gentleman the first time you got your hair cut.  You cried the second time, and Daddy had to hold you while the sweet lady did her best to groom a moving target.  The third time was embarrassing.  The fourth time brought tears to both your Daddy’s eyes and mine.  When I didn’t think it could get any worse, you initiated one heck of a performance.  I am surprised the glass windows at the front of the barber shop did not shatter with the decibel level you achieved that day.  

I tell you all these things, sweet boy, because this week we are celebrating you!  You will turn two years old in just a few days, but our celebration doesn’t stop there.  Just yesterday, without skipping a beat, you slipped on your arm floaties at the pool like you’d been doing it all summer long.  I couldn’t believe it!  Your Daddy and I thought we had tried everything, and then you just unexpectedly decided that the day had come for you to officially join the “swim club.”  Not only did that make me smile for the rest of the day, it made my summer!  When I sent your Daddy these pictures at work, I know he got up and did the happy dance. (Even though I do not have hard evidence to suggest said dancing took place, this breakthrough was worth every step of a good ol’ happy dance!)

Today your Daddy made a comment about your hair getting kinda long.  With your birthday coming up, I’m sure your picture will be taken a time or two.  When I suggested spontaneously that we take you for a haircut, I was shocked when your Daddy agreed.  We discussed our game plan the entire car ride there, and upon arrival were ready for whatever fit you would most likely throw at us.  But then, something monumental happened!  When we told you that you were going to get a haircut, you reached up, pulled on your hair, and smiled!  You walked in, took a good look at a little girl about year older than you getting her hair trimmed, and you decided you would give it a chance.  When you found out you could watch Mickey Mouse while getting your hair cut, you were hooked.  You sat all by yourself in the little fire truck instead of wriggling around on Daddy’s lap.  You smiled and were pleasant to the lady cutting your hair… the same lady Momma pulled aside and warned about your horrific outburst last time.  The same lady who I’m sure was thinking, “What did I do to get the short end of the stick?”  But, for some reason unbeknownst to us, you decided a hair cut would be fun today.  You sat there like a kid who’s gotten his hair cut a million times, and I think you even enjoyed it.  Your Daddy and I exchanged looks more than once that said, “Oh my goodness, what is this?!”  When the same sweet lady pulled out the buzzer, I thought it was over, but you even tolerated that without a whimper or a frown.  “Unbelievable” is the best word I can come up with to describe our hair-cutting excursion today. 

On the way home, your Momma and Daddy were beaming!  The funny thing is neither of us can take credit for your recent accomplishments!  It was 100% you!  I am realizing that you like to celebrate big, with plenty of clapping, high-fives, singing, and dancing!  Life has been unpredictable and thrilling since you invaded our hearts two years ago!  While at times it is tough on your Momma and Daddy, I know that strong will of yours will help shape who you become.  God made you just the way you are so that you (and only you) can handle whatever important business He has in store for you.  I hope you never lose your determination, and that as you grow, you stand firm in what you believe.  
I love you, kid!
Love, Momma