Thursday, August 25, 2011
Little Droppings
Lilly's favorite afternoon snack is a bright red box of Sun Maid raisins, and, yes, they have to be in the box. Dumping them onto her high chair tray or transferring them to her snack holder is unacceptable. She wants that box in her hands so she can meander through the house leaving little droppings as she goes. She is learning to pick up the raisins that accidentally fall out of her box as she jams her hand inside for the next fistful, but she usually loses about five more each time she squats down to pick up the abandoned ones. It never ceases to amaze me where I find these little treats lying around, and I can't stop thinking about how they look as if they belong in the toilet instead of on my floor. But I guess it comes with the territory of having two toddlers in the house! Just the other day I found a Cheerio under my pillow! At least there have been no raisin sightings in my bed..... yet!!!
While on the topic of Lilly and "little droppings," I have to share Cody's experience from Tuesday night. I was out at a meeting, so Cody was in charge of dinner, bath time and bed time. When I got home later that evening, this is the story I heard:
"Both kids were great! They played happily for about an hour before dinner, sharing nicely and enjoying 'Daddy time.' "
I paused waiting for this happy story to go south, but he continued on with a smile on his face.
"Dinner went smoothly. Both kids (even Jake) ate everything on their trays. I was able to sit down and enjoy my leftovers while they ate. It was so easy!"
I was starting to doubt my initial theory of an evening gone awry, but couldn't ignore the unusual grin plastered all over my husband's face. So I listened as he continued his account of the evening. He told me about the wagon ride he took Jake and Lilly on after dinner and all the fun they had in the bath tub. He explained in great detail how he got both kids out of the tub and got everything he would need (PJs, lotion, diapers, etc) and took them into Jake's room to get them dressed. He told me how Jake laughed and laughed as he dried him off, while Lilly waited patiently seated on her towel until her turn.
At some point, Lilly must have decided she was dry and ready to play. She got up and began playing with Jake's puzzle stool in front of his sink. (For their birthdays, my sister-in-law got both kids these great stools that have the letters that spell their names cut out of the top like a puzzle.) Anyways, Cody told me he kept glancing over his shoulder while diapering Jake to make sure Lilly wasn't getting into anything she wasn't supposed to have. I knew by the extensive details I was receiving that this story was about get good!
"After glancing over a few times and finding everything in perfect order," he said, "I did a double take and saw Lilly standing among a small pile of brown stools, and one oddly large one about the size of a small avocado. I panicked since Jake was still on the changing table without his diaper, and suddenly I realized that Lilly badly needed hers!"
At this point in the story I was almost crying I was laughing so hard. I said a quick prayer, thanking God that it happened on his watch not mine! I was dying to know what he did and would have given anything to have been a fly on the wall as this scene played out.
He continued, "So I put Jake's diaper on him as quick as I could, then put him in his crib so he would not be able to get near the mess. But I guess I was not quick enough because in the 10 seconds it took me to slap a diaper on Jake and set him down, Lilly had stepped in her poop and smeared it all over the floor and Jake's stool."
I just have to say I think it is incredibly ironic that she smeared her stool all over Jake's stool!!! With tears streaming down my face, I listened as Cody finished his story of the "not-so-perfect" evening.
"Then as I walked over to her, not sure if I should be yelling, crying or laughing," he told me, "she picked up the biggest piece of poop (and I am not exaggerating when I say it was the size of a small avocado) and handed it to me, as if to say, 'Daddy, I don't think this belongs on the floor. You better clean it up before Mommy gets home!' "
Oh, I cannot wait for potty training!!!! Fun times!!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
King of the Remote
We think Jake is really an old man trapped in a little boy's body! He is always so serious, constantly looking at Lilly with a look on his face that says, "Really?! You find that entertaining?! I am so much more mature than you!" Half the time I want to offer him coffee and the newspaper, and I am quite certain he'd love to wear house shoes if we let him. He would rather play with the TV remote than his toys! (When we went on vacation, he found all four remotes in our three bedroom condo!) Can't you just hear him saying, "Come on, guys, I just wanted to watch Fox News!" ?
Family Vacation
We took a family trip to Orlando about a week ago with Cody's parents, Grammy and Pop. We did not do Disney this year since Jake and Lilly are a little too young to truly embrace the "Disney Experience." We spent most of our time hanging out by the pool, sipping mai tais (apple juice for the kids, of course!) and enjoying summer! I did not realize until we got back that Grammy is in NONE of the pictures since she was our poolside photographer!!
Waiting for our plane at the airport...
Jake and Lilly doing what Cody calls "quick dips!" One, two, three and under they go! They both love it, even though they come up sputtering!
Jake loves his float with built in canopy! It looks like he might be ready for a nap in this picture! Both kids napped great on this trip... I'm sure it had something to do with all the pool time.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Wagon Rides
The after-dinner-wagon-ride has made itself a new daily routine in the Sobieski home! Lilly runs to the door with her shoes after dinner, ready to go. I am desperately ready for cooler weather because explaining to a thirteen month old that it's too hot to go on a wagon ride just doesn't go over too well! Here is a picture of Jake and Lilly in their new ride!
Sweet potato blueberry pancakes have become one of Lilly's favorites lately! This delicious meal should come with a warning, though:
CAUTION! Eating this yummy meal could result in purple hands and face!
Lilly is our little hoover! She will eat anything we give her, I am not kidding! She definitely enjoys meal time! Among her favorites are salmon with green pea risotto, beef and spinach lasagna, and chicken, with rice and broccoli. And I have not found a single fruit she will not eat!
There is a reason I don't have a picture of Jake eating pancakes.... he is a little more hesitant to try new foods. His pancake ended up on the floor instead all over his face! Still loving his jars of baby food, we are trying very slowly to get him to expand his repertoire to include more than cheese, chicken and bread. I guess he takes after his "meat and cheese only" Daddy!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Splish Splash!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Jake & Lilly's Big Beach Adventure
Jake and Lilly had their first day at the beach in Galveston today. Well, technically their first time to the beach was back in March when we visited San Diego, but since the weather was a bit chilly, neither really got to truly experience the water, waves, and the sand in between their fingers. My friend Charla ("G3" to Jake and Lilly) was brave enough to join me on this beach adventure! Both kids had so much fun splashing in the water, digging in the sand, and eating their picnic lunch on the beach. Lilly has no fear.... walking in the water, chasing sea gulls down the beach.... she had a blast! Jake was not completely sure of the waves, though he was starting to warm up to the whole ocean thing right as we were getting ready to leave. He hated getting salt water in his eyes, but he loved getting dirty in the sand... such a boy! I'm pretty sure more sand ended up in their mouths than anywhere else. They both loved the feel of the wet sand in their hands, but like everything else these days, it had to pass the "taste test."
Here is a shot of me trying to pose with my two little beach bums....
a much harder task than you would think!
a much harder task than you would think!
Here is a great shot of Lilly right after she tried to eat the sand.
(I promise it's not a booger... just a big glob of wet sand!)
(I promise it's not a booger... just a big glob of wet sand!)
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