Jake and Lilly were dedicated this past Sunday at our church, Kingsland Baptist. Both loved getting all dressed up for the occasion.

(We all thought his solo sounded beautiful!)

Lilly loved spending time with her Uncle Pfeffer!

Dear Lilly,
You will always be our little girl. We have loved watching you grow from a tiny little newborn that depended on us for everything into a happy baby who is exploring her freedom more and more every day. We cannot wait to meet the person you grow up to be. We have so many hopes and dreams for you, but most of all, we pray that you learn to love the Lord and walk in His ways. He made you so incredibly special and has His own unique plan for your life. We love you very, very much!
Dear Jake,
When you were born you brought so much hope to our family. Named for your Great-Grandpa, you reminded us that God has a perfect plan for our lives. We can’t wait to teach you how you can serve the Lord just like your Great-Grandpa did for so many years. We already know that God blessed you with a sense of humor and a desire to investigate and explore! We can’t wait to see how you use the gifts God has given you. We are eager to teach you about God’s love and help you learn how to walk in His ways. We love you very, very much!
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