Jake and Lilly have so much energy that I wish I could bottle it up and save some for those days that I am completely exhausted chasing after both of them! They are both obsessed with books, and now actually turn the pages instead of just gnawing on the corners!

We still watch for ducks out the front windows every morning, ready with our supply of bread and bagels to feed to them!

Both kids love to play in Daddy’s study! They have mastered opening the door, and they think it’s a riot that they can see each other through the glass window-paned door. The other day (while Lilly was inside the study and Jake was outside looking in) Jake tried to stick his finger in Lilly’s mouth, and I couldn’t help but giggle when she smushed her face up against the glass like a sucker fish in an aquarium, trying so hard to bite his finger!
Each day with these two holds a wide range of emotions. On any given day, we can go from laughing hysterically, as shown in these two pictures of Lilly pulling Jake in the little red wagon,....

...to crying big fat tears in an instant as shown here when Lilly tried and succeeded to push Jake out of the wagon to take her turn!

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