We saw the usual giraffes, elephants, lions, and tigers. We also saw these animal friends….
These monkeys put on a hilarious display, but due to the graphic nature of their play, I will not disclose the details!
Jake and Lilly LOVE the Children’s Zoo and are now frequent flyers to the Petting Zoo. I’m pretty sure they are on a first name basis with most of these goats.
Dodging the six elementary schools that were on field trips, we managed to squeeze in some playtime on the playground inside the Children’s Zoo as well.

Abandoning the stroller (since no one ever wants to ride in it anyway,) we opted for the much loved wagon.
I wish I could say that Jake and Lilly both rode in it the entire time. I honestly hope we are not the only parents of toddlers who struggle with getting our kids to ride in the stroller/wagon/shopping cart/etc when out and about. These two little people (who think they are completely independent of Momma and Daddy) did come up with a creative alternative to sitting inside the wagon, though.
I guess they thought Daddy looked tired after pulling that wagon full of kids all throughout the zoo. How thoughtful of them to get behind and help push it for him!

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