Friday, August 1, 2014

Live in the Truth of Now

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. 1 Peter 2:9-10 (NIV)

I stared blankly at the words that lit up my i-phone. Instead of the standard “I’m praying for you” text, my friend shared exactly what she was praying… and it was bold.

Too bold for my blood.

As the doubt that clenched my heart eventually made its way to my jaw bone, I felt my entire face tighten. Her request was too big and too daring to ask of God.  I didn’t believe He would answer it. Could He? Sure. Nothing is impossible with God.  But would He? That was an entirely different question.

Here’s the thing: I had prayed big, bold prayers for my friend that same morning.  I had covered my family with the truth from God’s promises.  I had lifted up others in Jesus’ name, confident that He would bring healing, move mountains, do the impossible.

Why couldn’t I believe He would do the same for me?

I can tell others they are chosen, precious, loved.  I can ask God to work in their lives with assurance, but sometimes I fail to believe His promises are true for me. Because I know Me- the Me that no one else except Jesus sees, the Me that wrestles with the same struggles over and over until I’m sure God is exhausted by my failed attempts.

Maybe you’ve found yourself stuck in the same dilemma.  Maybe you’re wondering how to break free.

Later that morning as I reached for my bible, Peter’s words sank down deep into the pockets of my heart where doubt and unbelief like to crouch low and hide. After soaking in the truth, lies that were hidden underneath my lack of faith bubbled up to the surface. You are not worthy. You don’t belong.

None of us are worthy.  None of us belong in God’s presence which is why Jesus made a way. Through His sacrifice, Jesus made it possible to live at peace with God in His presence, as His children.

As a follower of Jesus, as a child of the living God, as a new creation- changed and transformed- with a new name and a new song to sing, I am chosen.  Precious, loved, accepted. Worthy, included. Special. His. And so are you.

Peter wrote to all Christians, Jews and Gentiles alike.  He was saying, “Once you did not belong, but now you do.” 

But now.  

Once you were not, but now you are.  Once you had not, but now you have. I had been stuck in the Land of Once Upon a Time, rather than living in the Truth of Now. 

Instead of believing that Jesus changed everything on that cross, I had chosen to listen to the repetitive loop tape of my unworthiness.  When the enemy of our souls whispers, “You were (fill in the blank),” God has given you and me two words to destroy that lie: “But now.”

Pray with the boldness of a woman who knows she is loved.
Live in the Truth of Now.

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