I will be honest. I’ve cried. I’ve asked God for patience…. like every hour. I’d be lying if I said my evenings this week did not end with two glasses of wine and a big bowl of ice cream with chocolate sauce. I have seen sibling rivalry at its ugliest. I have questioned whether I am winning or losing this “Battle of the Wills.” I have listened to screaming and crying. I’ve witnessed hair pulling, pushing, and hitting. I'm pretty sure we've set a time-out record.
You name it, my kids have fought over it this week. The green crayon. The rocking horse. Mommy’s lap. The bubble blower, also known as Tomater. The same car (even though we have two that are exactly the same).
Then, I witness this:
And this:
The first photo was Tuesday afternoon. I put on a DVD so that I could attempt to reclaim my sanity after a very long and very loud afternoon. I guess they decided to share a chair. Not sure why that same “sharing attitude” was not discovered earlier in the day.
The second was yesterday afternoon. One of Jake and Lilly’s favorite toys to play with together is the little red wagon. I love it and hate it. Some days it unites them, some days it divides them. On this particular day, it managed to hold them … together.
I was reminded today that all of my kids' gifts and individual qualities are precious in God's sight. Things like a strong will, a serious determination, a free spirit, a sense of humor, patient affection, a sensitive spirit, unwavering courage, a wild imagination, a fierce heart, logical reasoning, and a distinct passion that has yet to develop in each of their lives. This is the stuff God gave to them. For a reason. For a purpose. For His glory.
Although I often lose sight of this, my job is to teach my kids how to use the unique gifts God has given them in a way that will bring Him glory. It seems so simple, but such a hard truth for me to grasp when I’m in the “time-out trenches!"