In our house, the little red wagon is the barometer for how our day will go. Let me explain this phenomenon:
Some days Lilly and Jake can’t even get past who will sit in the wagon and who will pull it. They both love to be the rider, and Jake only likes to pull if the wagon does not carry his sister. (I guess he figures he can pull an empty wagon faster than one with cargo.) Ten seconds into the debate, which is way more physical than verbal at this point, both are crying and no one is in the wagon.
Then, the poor little red wagon ends up locked in the hall bathroom for the remainder of the day. One day Cody came home from work and opened the door to use the restroom. He almost broke his neck on all the toys piled up in there. That hadn’t been such a good day!
But some days, like today, they take turns with no pushing, crying, or banging the handle of the wagon on the other one's head. Then I know, it’s going to be a good day!

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