Unsure of what kind of harm the kids would try to inflict on the tree, we made the decision to only dress it with lights and ribbon. I cringe when I try to imagine what would happen if they got a hold of those pesky little ornament hooks!
To our surprise, neither Jake nor Lilly even seemed to notice the eight foot artificial pine tree in our foyer. What did catch Jake’s attention was the power strip we use for the lights. He played with this cord the entire time it took us to put the tree up and string lights around it! He would untangle it, take it to the wall, try to plug it in, sit down, untangle it again…. It was hilarious!

I have to add a disclaimer about why our son is running around in only his diaper as we put up the Christmas tree! It was 80-something degrees the day we decided to get in the holiday spirit. In fact, as Cody was bringing in the tree from the garage, he was dripping with sweat! He made me promise that next year we wait for a cold front before hauling all the decorations inside! Oh the joys of living in Texas!
Regardless of what we were all wearing while we decorated the house, the tree in its simplicity turned out beautifully! Now, a few times a day, I catch Lilly and Jake standing in front of it, heads tiled up, admiring the twinkling lights. (Actually, I really think they are secretly scheming with one another, planning the quickest way to tear it down! Just kidding..... I hope!)
The lights must have made an impact on Jake because the next day, he took a stuffed elephant and tried to plug its tail into the outlet. I guess he thought it would light up like our Christmas tree!!
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