Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Happy 90th Birthday, Great-Grandma!

This past weekend we celebrated Jake and Lilly’s Great-Grandma’s 90th birthday. (Great-GrandPop turned 91 the day before!) My mother-in-law helped us surprise her with a beautiful photo quilt. She loved it!

Of course there was plenty of time to play with Poppy, Noni, Uncle Dave and Auntie Bri and Uncle Jay. Even Jake and Lilly’s other Great-Grandma from New Jersey was there to celebrate with us!

Both kids discovered Hemi, Noni and Poppy’s rat terrier! They loved crawling after her, chasing her around the house. I have never seen that dog run away so fast! She literally spent the whole first day hiding in my parent’s bedroom. By the end of our stay, Hemi would tolerate the kids petting her, but she was still not so sure about them invading her territory.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Every Day Is An Adventure

Never a dull moment in this house, as we now have two extremely curious and very mobile babies! Things we love: windows, blinds, stairs, doors, and everything we are NOT supposed to be playing with! Here are some pictures of them exploring new territory.

Lilly loves looking out the window! We have a bunch of low window sills that are right at her level!

Both Lilly and Jake are intrigued with the stairs. They can both climb up onto the first step, and Jake even surprised us by climbing up about 10 stairs last week. He is still learning how to come down once he's climbed up as far as he wants to go!

Whenever Jake or Lilly come across a door that is open, they think it must be shut immediately. I bet "closed" will be one of their very first words!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

New Teeth

I can't believe that Lilly and Jake are already nine months old! Each time I look at them lately, I can't help but thinking how much they are turning into little people.

Both are crawling, standing up on every piece of furniture in sight, getting into kitchen cabinets, stealing each other toys, and talking to each other non-stop. They love to play peek-a-boo with each other, too!

Jake now has a pair of top teeth and a pair of bottom teeth, while Lilly has two bottom teeth and four top teeth! To celebrate, we bought toothbrushes last week. They love brushing their new teeth!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Our Trip To San Diego

Over Spring Break, Jake and Lilly took their very first plane ride to San Diego, California!
Here is a picture of Lilly looking out the window.

When we got to San Diego, it was time to explore out hotel room.
Jake discovered himself in the mirror on the closet door!

Both kids loved getting rides in the laundry basket we found in the room!

Here are a few shots of us at Lego Land. It was amazing to see entire cities made out of legos!

Jake and Lilly had fun making a splash at the pool!

We couldn't come all the way to San Diego without visiting the zoo!

We also toured the Air and Space Museum. Jake loved this little airplane he could sit in!

Here are some shots of us at the beach. The water was frigid, but so clear and beautiful!

We had so much fun exploring and seeing new things, but most of all Jake and Lilly loved spending time with Grammy and Pop, and their aunt, uncle and cousins!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Who Needs Toys?

Toys?!?! Who needs 'em?!

Jake was in heaven after we checked the mail this morning. This magazine kept him busy for about half an hour. He was thrilled to rip the whole thing to shreds!

Lilly was equally tickled to try out her "box car" Mommy made with the empty Pampers box.

Oh, to be that age again when life is so simple!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Baby Dedication

Jake and Lilly were dedicated this past Sunday at our church, Kingsland Baptist. Both loved getting all dressed up for the occasion.

Lots of family members came for the big day, even Jake and Lilly's great-aunt from New Jersey!

Jake had his shining moment when he started to sing during the pastor's prayer.
(We all thought his solo sounded beautiful!)

After the service, we had lunch at the house. Jake enjoyed playing with his cousin, Kiley.

Lilly loved spending time with her Uncle Pfeffer!

Dear Lilly,

You will always be our little girl. We have loved watching you grow from a tiny little newborn that depended on us for everything into a happy baby who is exploring her freedom more and more every day. We cannot wait to meet the person you grow up to be. We have so many hopes and dreams for you, but most of all, we pray that you learn to love the Lord and walk in His ways. He made you so incredibly special and has His own unique plan for your life. We love you very, very much!

Dear Jake,

When you were born you brought so much hope to our family. Named for your Great-Grandpa, you reminded us that God has a perfect plan for our lives. We can’t wait to teach you how you can serve the Lord just like your Great-Grandpa did for so many years. We already know that God blessed you with a sense of humor and a desire to investigate and explore! We can’t wait to see how you use the gifts God has given you. We are eager to teach you about God’s love and help you learn how to walk in His ways. We love you very, very much!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Curious Jake

Curious Jake

Now that Jake is mobile, his curiosity has reached an all time high. He wants to investigate everything, and he knows he can get anywhere he wants to in a matter of seconds. Last Friday he started crawling. We knew it was coming because he had been rocking back and forth on his hands and knees for about a week. We discovered pretty quickly the beauty of the baby gate! Here is a picture of him in his chair, staring at something.... not quite sure what is was that captured his attention!