Sunday, March 18, 2012

Grandpa Green

I bought Grandpa Green for Jake and Lilly because the cover reminded me of my Pop.

Written and illustrated by Lane Smith, it is a beautifully simple yet profound book. The story is told by Grandpa Green’s great-grandson, who is just a little boy. He talks about the era in which Grandpa Green grew up, the one before computers or cell phones or television. Grandpa Green wanted to study horticulture, but went to fight in a world war instead. Grandpa Green met a girl and married her. And they never ever fought. Grandpa Green creates beautiful works of art out of bright green topiaries that tell the story of his life and the generations that follow. The pictures, more than the words, tell a beautiful story of aging and about what is left behind. When Grandpa Green grows old and cannot remember any longer, the garden remembers for him.

This book reminds me so much of my Pop, I cannot help myself. When I sat down with Jake and Lilly to read it to them, I was in tears. We read it cover to cover. Then we read it again. And again. And again. It’s as if both of them knew that this book was special.

My Pop, just like Grandpa Green, was a soldier, a husband, a father, a gardener. Though he went to be with Jesus just six weeks before his great-grandson was born, he left so much behind. He left his garden. He left my sweet Grandma who is now the Keeper of the Garden. He left my son, Jake, who carries his name. He left all of us a little changed… for the better. He left this world a better, brighter place. He left us an example to follow. He left a legacy.

Today is his birthday. I’m not sure how it all works, whether this “Happy Birthday” will reach him in Heaven, but I do know that he will be celebrating his special day with Jesus. I miss him so much it hurts. We all do. He was a good man, a loving father, and a playful grandfather. If I could talk to him today, I’d tell him thank you.

Thank you for watching all of my puppet shows when I was a little girl.

Thank you for sharing your secret stash of Peanut M&Ms with me.

Thank you for teaching me about Jesus.

Thank you for making me laugh.

Thank you for keeping your faith; for never giving up, for fighting strong, especially at the end.

Thank you for seeing the best in people.

Thank you for being my “Grandpa Green.”

Thank you for all you left behind, including your garden.

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