Friday, March 30, 2012

"Like Little Children"

As exhausted as I am at the end of each day after chasing around two rowdy toddlers, I absolutely love this age. We have our fair share of fits and grumpiness, but there is something so magical about watching them explore the world around them. I am amazed at what brings them joy. Like a toilet paper roll. Or a broom. These simple things that delight them so have long since lost their luster for me. I really can’t say I get any tingly feelings from an empty toilet paper roll, and I am definitely sure I don’t have warm fuzzies when I come across a dirty broom propped up in the garage. But to Jake and Lilly, these are sources of wonder and excitement. Here are a few more:

Swiffer dusters: These keep Jake and Lilly entertained while I clean the house. I’m convinced they just create more dust, but I guess I can’t be picky!

Plastic Easter eggs: Opening them and closing them and putting them neatly inside an egg carton keeps them occupied for a good ten minutes… at least. They make awesome shakers, too. And, yes, we play with them all year round, not just on Easter!

Peanut Butter: This is a new one in our house! While Ritz crackers have always been a favorite, a slab of peanut butter transforms Jake and Lilly’s favorite snack into an extra-delicious treat!

Gravity: Thank goodness they have quit tossing food and cups of milk from their highchairs, just to test this phenomenon. They now settle for stacking blocks until they fall down. They think this display of gravity is absolutely hilarious!

While making this list of things that are both simple and thrilling to my two toddlers, I was reminded of this verse:

Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3

I am sure that when Jesus referred to “little children,” he was acknowledging the pure innocence that they possess that causes them to clap their hands and be filled with wonder and delight over things that we often take for granted. To a child, the world is a simple and uncomplicated place.

After thinking about all that brighten my kids’ day, I realized that I, too, have my own list. My list involves routine occurrences that happen so many times throughout my day, yet each brings me such happiness that I can’t imagine living without a single one of them.

Belly laughs

Sweaty, slobbery kisses

Tiny feet walking around the house in my shoes

Praying hands at mealtime

Hearing “Momma”

Maybe I’m not all that different than my kids. It’s the little, everyday things that get to all of us, I guess, and make our day just a bit brighter. The challenging part is remembering to focus on the simple stuff instead of all of the complexities that life hurls at us every single day.

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