Wednesday, April 18, 2012

From Small To Big

Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. Luke 16:10

Jake and Lilly love to help around the house. One of their favorite morning routines is helping empty the dishwasher. They are responsible for all the plastic dishes, sippy cups, tupperware, lids, etc. This morning I giggled when I looked up and saw this very long line of dishes that had been placed on the very edge of the counter.

My kids take this job very seriously and will stop whatever they are doing when they hear the dishwasher door open. They drop their toys, abandon their games, and come running to help.

As I watched them working together to get every last dish stacked up on the counter, I asked myself, "Do I do that? Do I abandon everything I am doing and cheerfully run towards God when He calls me to do something so simple?"

Right now, Jake and Lilly are trusted with plastic dishes that if dropped won’t break, but one day, I will trust them to help with dishes that are more fragile. If I ask my kids to help with the little things, before giving them greater responsibility, why wouldn’t God do the same thing with me since I am His child?

I wonder how many times I’ve missed out, because I thought what God was asking me to do was too little or too insignificant. I wonder how often I've dismissed His voice, just because I didn’t understand His purpose. Over and over again, I have forgotten that it’s in the little things that I can show my faithfulness to Him. That once I am trusted with small things, He will trust me with bigger things.

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